
Pingdom is a global performance monitoring solution for websites and web applications. The OpsRamp integration supports webhooks to enable OpsRamp to accept alerts from Pingdom.

OpsRamp configuration

Configuration involves:

  1. Installing the integration.
  2. Configuring the integration.

Step 1: Install the integration

To install:

  1. From All Clients, select a client.
  2. Go to Setup > Integrations > Integrations.
  3. From Available Integrations, select Monitoring > Pingdom.
  4. Click Install.

Step 2: Configure the integration

To configure the integration:

  1. From the API tab, provide the following:
    • Authentication: Copy Tenant Id, Token and Webhook URL for configuration. These settings are used for creating a HTTP Request template.
    • Map Attributes: Provide the mapping information for the third-party.
  2. From the Monitoring of Integration tab, click Assign Templates.
  3. From the Audit Logs, set up audit log criteria and time frame.

Configuring the map attributes

To configure the mapping attributes:

  1. Select the required OpsRamp property from the drop-down.
  2. Click Add Mapping Attributes to map attributes for the specific OpsRamp alert property.
  3. Click + to define the mappings.
  4. From Create Alert Mappings on Status, define the mappings, parsing conditions, and default values, and Save.

The following tables shows the attribute mappings.

Property Mappings
OpsRamp EntityOpsRamp PropertyThird-party Entity (Pingdom Entity)Third-party Property (Pingdom Property)
ALERTAlert subjectAlertcheck_name - $description
ALERTAlert descriptionAlertlong_description
version : $version
check_id : $check_id
check_name : $check_name
check_type : $check_type
check_params : $check_params
tags : $tags
importance_level : $importance_level
previous_state : $previous_state
state_changed_timestamp : $state_changed_timestamp
state_changed_utc_time : $state_changed_utc_time
first_probe : $first_probe
second_probe : $second_probe
ALERTAlert resource nameAlertcheck_params.hostname
ALERTAlert MetricAlertcheck_type
ALERTAlert TimeAlertstate_changed_utc_time
ALERTAlert StateAlertcurrent_state
Pingdom Property ValueOpsRamp Property Value

Pingdom configuration

Configuration involves:

  1. Adding an integration.
  2. Connect the integration to uptime checks.

Step 1: Add an integration

To add an integration:

  1. Log into Pingdom.
  2. Go to Integrations > Integrations.
    Add Integration

    Add Integration

  3. Select Add Integrations and configure the following:
    1. Select integration Type as Webhook.
    2. Provide name for the integration. For example: OpsRamp Integration
    3. Paste the OpsRamp webhook URL - https://{api-url}/integrations/alertsWebhook/{tenantid}/alerts?vtoken={token}
      >Note: Provide the Tenant ID and Token from the OpsRamp configuration.
      For example:
    4. Select Active and click Save Integration.
Add Integration Details

Add Integration Details

Step 2: Connect integration to uptime checks

To connect the integration to uptime checks:

  1. Go to the Experience Monitoring menu and click Uptime.
  2. Click on the Uptime check you want to add to the integration.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of Edit Check page where you find Connect Integrations section and select the previously configured integration and click Modify Check to save.
Edit Uptime Check

Edit Uptime Check