The Selenium IDE does not support a few commands and requires you to enter manually.

Scenario 1

Consider the following example: You perform a mouseover action on a website: As Selenium IDE does not support mouse over command, you must manually enter the command in the IDE after recording the transaction on the website.

To enter the commands manually in Selenium IDE:

  1. Start recording the transactions on the website using the steps provided in Start recording using Selenium IDE.
  2. Select a command in the Command drop-down in Selenium IDE.


  3. Click Select target in page icon to select the Target.
    The prescribed website appears.


  4. Perform desired transactions on the website.
    Selenium IDE records each transaction.
    Actions Entered in Selenium IDE

    Actions Entered in Selenium IDE

  5. Click the blank line below the newly entered command to continue with the flow of existing commands in Selenium IDE.
    Next Line

    Next Line

  6. Click Stop Recording.

Scenario 2

Consider the scenario where you want to manually insert a new command between two lines in Selenium IDE. For example, you want to enter a new command below line 2 in Selenium IDE.

To insert a new command between 2 lines:

  1. Right-click at line 3 and select Insert new command.
    Insert New Command

    Insert New Command

  2. The Selenium IDE displays a new line between line 2 and line 3, pushing the command from line 3 to line 4.
    New Line Added

    New Line Added

Refer the table below to understand the various commands that require manual entry in Selenium IDE:

Selenium IDE Commands
Selenium IDE CommandsDescriptionRequire Manual Recording
add SelectionAdds a selection to the set of options in a multi-select elementNo
assert alertChecks whether the alert displays with an expected text. The execution stops when the alert text is differentYes
assert checkedChecks whether the target check-box is selected. The execution stops when the targeted check-box is not selectedYes
assert confirmationChecks whether the confirmation message text is the same as the target text value. Execution stops when the confirmation message is different from the target textYes
assert editableChecks whether the targeted element is editable. Execution stops when the targeted element cannot be editedYes
assert element presentChecks whether the targeted element is present on the web page. Execution stops when the targeted element is not present on the web pageYes
assert element not presentChecks whether the targeted element is not present on the web page. Execution stops when the targeted element is present on the web pageYes
assert not checkedChecks whether the targeted check-box unchecked. Execution stops when the targeted check-box is selectedYes
assert not editableChecks whether the targeted element is not editable. Execution stops when the targeted element can be editedYes
assert not textChecks whether the text of the targeted element does not provide value. Execution stops when the text of the targeted element provides a valueYes
assert promptChecks whether the JavaScript prompt pop-up contains expected value. Execution stops when the JavaScript pop-up does not contain the expected valueYes
assert textChecks whether the text of the targeted element is the same as the expected value. Execution stops when the text of the targeted element is different from the expected valueYes
assert titleChecks whether the title of the web page is the same as the expected value. Execution stops when the title of the web page is differentYes
checkCheck the target checkboxNo
clickClick the target elementNo
click atClick the target element at given coordinatesNo
closeCloses the current windowNo
double clickDouble clicks on the target elementNo
double click atDouble clicks on the target element at given coordinatesNo
echoPrints the specified valueYes
edit contentEdits the value of the editable target elementYes
mouse down atSimulates a user pressing left mouse button (without releasing it ) at a specified locationNo
mouse move atSimulates a user pressing the mouse button (without releasing it ) at specified elementNo
mouse upSimulates the event that occurs when the user releases the mouse buttonNo
mouse up atSimulates the event that occurs when the user releases the mouse button at a specified locationNo
mouse outSimulates the user moving the mouse pointer away from the specified elementNo
mouse overSimulates the user hovering the mouse on the target elementYes
openOpens a URL and waits for all the elements in the page to load before performing any actionsNo
pauseWait for the specified amount of timeYes
remove selectionRemove a selection from a set of selected options in a multi-select target elementNo
run scriptRuns a JavaScript code in the current transactionNo
selectSelects an element from the drop-down menu of the target elementNo
select frameSelects a target frame in the current windowNo
select windowSelects a pop-up window using the window handlesNo
send keysSimulates the key-strokes events on the target element key-by-keyNo
set speedSet execution speed of the test by a specified value(in milliseconds)Yes
set window sizeSet the execution browser window's sizeNo
submitSimulates the action of submitting the target formNo
typeSet the value of the target input field with the user-specified valueNo
uncheckUnchecks a check-boxNo
verify checkedVerifies whether the target check-box is selected. If unchecked, execution stops and OpsRamp console displays an error in the Availability LogYes
verify editableVerifies whether the target element is editable. If in edit state, execution stops and OpsRamp console displays an error in the Availability LogYes
verify element presentVerifies whether the target element is present on the current web page. Execution stops and OpsRamp console displays an error in the Availability Log if the target element is not present on the current web pageYes
verify element not presentVerifies whether the target element is not present on the current webpage. Execution stops and OpsRamp console displays an error in the Availability Log if the target element is present on the current web pageYes
verify not checkedVerifies whether the target check-box is checked. If unchecked, execution stops and OpsRamp console displays an error in the Availability LogYes
verify not editableVerifies whether the target element is not editable. Execution stops and OpsRamp console displays an error in the Availability Log if the target element can be editedYes
verify not textVerifies whether the text of an element is not present. Execution stops and OpsRamp console displays an error in the Availability Log if the text is presentyes
verify textVerifies whether the text of an element is present. Execution stops and OpsRamp console displays the error in the Availability Log if the text is not presentYes
verify titleVerifies whether the title of the current page contains the expected text. Execution stops and OpsRamp console displays an error in the Availability Log if the title of the current page contains a different textYes
verify valueChecks whether the target input field contains the expected text or not. Execution stops and OpsRamp console displays an error in the Availability Log if the target input does not contain the expected textYes
wait for element editableWaits for an element to be in an editable stateYes
wait for element not editableWaits for an element to not be in an editable.Yes
wait for element not presentWaits for a target element to be not present on the page.Yes
wait for element not visibleWaits for a target element to be not visible on the page.Yes
wait for element presentWaits for a target element to be present on the page.Yes
wait for element visibleWaits for a target element to be visible on the page.Yes
webdriver answer on visible promptAnswers the current prompt alert with a specified valueYes
webdriver choose cancel on visible confirmationCancels the current confirmation alertYes
webdriver choose cancel on visible promptCancels the current visible prompt alertYes
webdriver choose ok on visible confirmationAccepts the currently visible confirmation alertYes