
A monitoring template defines all parameters used set to monitor your target resource.

Using the monitoring templates, you can standardize a set of entities across your organization and apply them to your target resources. You can apply a monitoring template to a particular target resource or a set of target resources of the same type.

The Monitoring template is an entity that defines the following:

  • Which data to collect?
  • How to collect?
  • Frequency to collect data.
  • The type of collector to use for collecting data. For example, SNMP and VMware API.

Monitoring using templates can help manage your resources more efficiently. You must manually apply the templates to initiate the monitoring of your resources.

The OpsRamp templates can capture the behavioral and performance metrics for server, applications, servers, networks, storage, and database instances across hybrid and multi-cloud environments.


Permission is required before you can create monitoring templates.

OpsRamp provides the following permissions for a user/role to create, assign, and view monitoring templates.

  • Create and Edit
  • Customize
  • Manage
  • View

Types of templates

OpsRamp supports the following template types:

Template Types
Template TypeDescription
Global templateGlobal Templates are default templates that are visible to partners and clients. You can only create copies from a global template and cannot modify them.
Partner templateA Partner template is visible only to a specific partner and a partner user is created from scratch. All clients across a partner can access the partner templates./td>
Client templateA Client template is visible only to a specific client. You can either create a new client template or copy from an existing global template at the client scope. All client templates are applied to all devices within the client.

Creating templates

A monitoring template defines all parameters that you can set to monitor your target resource.

  • You can create and manage and a monitoring template from the TEMPLATES LIST screen.
  • You can create, edit, and apply these templates across one or more resources or resource groups.

To create a template:

  1. Go to Setup > Monitoring > Templates.
  2. From TEMPLATES, click +.
  3. From MONITOR TEMPLATE, provide the details for the following parameters, and Save.
    • Select Template Scope: Refers to the Partner Template or Client Specific Template. For Client-Specific Template, you need to select the Client also.
    • Collector Type: Refers to the application type that you want to gather the information.
    • Applicable for: Refers to the type of the application.
    • Template Name: Refers to the name of the template.
    • Description: Refers to the summary of the template.
    • Generation: Refers to the generation that the template belongs to. For example, Generation 2.
    • Tags: Refers to the user-defined tags for better filtering. 
    • Prerequisites: Refers to the essential things that you must consider while monitoring using the template. For example, you must check the SQL services while monitoring the SQL Parameters using the Windows templates.
    • Status: Refers to the Active or End-of-life templates.
    • Notes: Refers to the additional information that you want to add to the template.
    • Template Family Name: Refers to the category that applies to the application. For example, Windows Server, Storage Server, and Network Server.
    • Deployment Type: Refers to one of the following methods to apply the template to the resources:
      • Custom
      • Optional
      • Standard
    • After providing the template details, MONITOR TEMPLATE displays the Monitors section.

      Note: The OpsRamp Console for the Monitors section varies with the option selected in the Collector Type.
    • Monitor: To add details in Monitors, perform the following:
      1. From Monitors section, click Add button. Monitor screen appears.
        1. Frequency: Refer to the frequency to execute the template.
        2. Monitor Definition: Refers to the monitor type.
        3. When to Alert: Select Breach of a Threshold.
      2. Select Alert and Availability check-box to initiate monitoring.

Component filters and component level thresholds

If you are an administrator, set component thresholds at the template level to monitor the components across resources. This capability can filter components that you want to monitor and set differential thresholds based on the component type.

See the following versions of agents and gateways:

  • Agent: 7.0.0 and above.
  • Gateway: 7.0.7 and above.


Monitor specific disk drives

System Administrators want to monitor specific disk drives (/opt and /boot) and exclude certain drives(/tmp) on one or more Linux servers.
Use component filters as part of template configuration.

Monitor bandwidth utilization

Network administrators want to monitor bandwidth utilization of interfaces present on production servers and set different alerting conditions for each interface.
Set thresholds for each unique interface, as part of template configuration.

Component filter

Using component filter, identifying the components that you want to monitor using multiple filtering conditions is easy:

To add a component filter:

  1. From Templates screen, click the desired template name.
  2. From Monitor Template, click Edit.
  3. From Edit screen, click Next.
  4. Go to Monitors > Breach of a threshold.
  5. From the Component Threshold column, click Add.
  6. From Edit Metric Threshold, click + Add.
  7. Provide details for the following parameters:
    • Operator
    • Name
  8. Click Add.

Component threshold

Using the Component threshold, you can define the metric threshold for components of a resource that you want to monitor.

To add a component threshold:

  1. From Templates screen, click the desired template name.
  2. From Monitor Template, click Edit.
  3. From Edit screen, click Next.
  4. Go to Monitors > Breach of a threshold.
  5. From Component Threshold column, click Add.
  6. From Edit Metric Threshold, click + Add.
  7. Provide details for the following parameters:
    • Operator: Refers to the list of available operators you can use to compare the component name.
    • Alert: Select the check-box to receive alerts.
    • Warning Operator: Refers to the operator to compare the warning threshold value.
    • Warning Threshold: Refers to the threshold value to receive the warning alerts.
    • Warning Repeat Count: Refers to the number of times you want to receive the critical alerts.
    • Critical Operator: Refers to the operator to compare the critical threshold value.
    • Critical Threshold: Refers to the threshold value to receive the critical alerts.
    • Critical Repeat Count: Refers to the number of times you want to receive the critical alerts.
  8. Click Add.

You can filter your search results using the advanced search.

To search using additional options:

  1. Go to Monitoring > Templates.
  2. From the Templates List, click Advanced.
  3. Provide details for the following parameters and click Search.
    • Scope
    • Select Client
    • Template Name
    • Collector Type
    • Status
    • Generation

The TEMPLATES LIST screen displays the search results.

Creating copies

Duplicate copy of the template can be created using the Create a Copy option.

To create a copy:

  1. Go to Monitoring > Templates.
  2. From the Templates List, select the desired name.
  3. Click Create a Copy. The screen displays a confirmation message.
  4. Click Yes to continue. Copy Monitoring Template window appears.
  5. From the Copy Monitoring Template screen, provide details for the following parameters, and Save.
    • Select Client
    • Template Name

Assigning templates

After creating a template in OpsRamp, you can assign templates to the resources. You can assign a template to a resource in two ways from OpsRamp console:

  • Assign templates from setup.
  • Assign templates at the device level.

Assign templates from setup

To assign a template:

  1. From All Clients, select a client.
  2. Select Setup > Monitoring > Assign Templates.
    ASSIGN TEMPLATES screen appears.
  3. From ASSIGN TEMPLATES, provide details for the following:
    1. From the options displayed in the drop-down, select a client.
    2. From the options displayed in the drop-down, select one of the following:
      • Assign Templates to resources
      • Assign Templates to Services
    3. From the options displayed in the drop-down, select a collector type.
    4. Click Show Resource Filters to filter the following:
      • Resource Groups
      • Sites
      • Operating System
    5. After providing the filter details, navigate to Select Resources section.
    6. From Select Resources, select the devices.
      Selected Devices section displays the chosen devices.
    7. After selecting the resources, navigate to Select Monitoring Templates.
    8. From Select Monitoring Templates, select the resources.
      Selected Templates display the chosen templates.
    9. Click Assign.
      ASSIGN TEMPLATES displays the configurations.
    10. Click Submit.
      The templates are assigned to the selected resources.

After assigning the templates, you can track the monitoring responses in Alerts, Metrics, and Monitors tab.

Assign Templates at the device level

To assign a template:

  1. From All Clients, select a client.
  2. Select Infrastructure.
  3. From Resources, click desired resource name > resource Details > Monitors > Template.
  4. From Templates screen, click +Assign Templates.
    The screen displays Apply Templates window.
  5. From Select Templates > Available templates, select the desired templates.
    Selected templates section displays the chosen templates.
  6. Click Assign.
    The Templates screen displays the selected templates.

General information

Tracking monitoring resources

After assigning the templates, you can track the monitoring responses in Alerts, Metrics, and Monitors tab.

Monitor details – when to alert

The When to Alert option defines the scenario where you want to receive alerts.
The option When to Alert is applicable only for Performance and Application Monitors.

Threshold breach

Provide the Warning and Critical threshold values for a metric. Alerts are triggered indicating a breach of threshold when the threshold values are crossed. Configure RBA (Run Book Automation) script to automatically resolve issues on a metric.

Forecast of a threshold breach

Forecast helps you to visualize the expected trends of a metric within a certain period and alerts about any potential breach. For example, set up forecast alerts to receive an alert notification if a disk is running out of space in another five days.

Significant change is seen

Change detection helps to identify sudden changes in metric behavior. The change is either in a positive or negative direction. This model is suitable for metrics with an indefinite threshold. For example, set up a change detection alert to receive a notification when there is a significant change in performance degradation(sudden increase in response times).

After creating the template, you can:

  • Edit: To modify the existing details of a template.
  • Delete: To remove the template from your environment.
  • Assign: To assign templates to resources.