How is space handled in custom monitor script parameters?

The parameters are enclosed in double-quotes (“) while passing to the script. Enclose any user-specific arguments with spaces between single quotes (‘).

What is the waiting time for the monitor scripts to get updated?

The standard waiting time is 12 hours for the scripts to get updated unless the agent gets restarted. The agent only checks for the latest RBA details every 12 hours. If the immediate reflection of updates is needed, re-apply the monitoring template.

When does the updated scripts configuration get pushed to the agent?

Once the monitoring template gets re-applied, script configuration gets pushed to the agent.

How does the agent proceed after receiving the updated information of a script?

The latest information is downloaded and saved at the agent, but the latest script is downloaded only at the time of execution.

Does Agent custom monitors work during a maintenance window time frame?

Yes, monitoring is not impacted during a maintenance window.

Are subject and description fields mandatory in the alert XML? Can they be null?

Yes, both Subject and Description fields are mandatory in the alert XML. Only then the agent sends the alert to the Alert browser.

What are the DOs and DON’Ts in a custom script monitor execution?

  • DOs: De-attach and re-attach templates when there are any changes.
  • DON’Ts: Do not update the number of parameters to a custom script, which has already been defined as a monitor in a template and is applied to devices.
  • DON’T update scripts frequently.

Can I move a script from one category to another category?

No, this functionality does not exist currently. 

Can I apply a custom script to multiple devices?

Yes, Global Custom scripts are applied across all VARS and all clients. Client-specific scripts are applied per client only.

Does all the alerts posted from the custom scripts appear in the Alerts tab?

Yes, all the alerts appear under the alerts tab.

Does the agent handles the previous states and post alerts only during the transition state?

No, the agent does not handle the previous states of the monitor. The end-user is responsible for handling previous states and post alerts only during the transition state.

Does OpsRamp support the usage of “2 bytes code”?

Currently not supported and is on the roadmap for upcoming releases.

Where can I view the configured monitors?

You can navigate to Setup > Monitoring > Monitors, to view the list of configured monitors. Click on the desired monitor to view more details.

Can I see the list of monitors displayed in the MONITORS screen without view permission?

No, you must have View permission to see the list of monitors. Without permission, you receive a permission denied message “We are sorry. You do not have permission to access this page“.

What is the time to sync the template configuration if it is edited at the Setup -> Monitoring Management -> Templates ?

The standard wait time is 6 hours if the template is edited for the Agent to receive modified configuration details unless Agent gets restarted.

Note: This behavior is applicable till 5-5-0 Release. From 7-0-0 release, it will sync immediately.


Monitor Windows environment

Scenario: An organization wants to monitor a Windows environment to track Windows event logs, applications, and services. At the same time, get notified when monitoring conditions and set thresholds exceed.

Solution: Configure event log, application and service monitor from the available native monitors. An alert is generated based on the frequency and thresholds set while configuring the monitors.

Customize disk space monitor

Scenario: An organization wants to monitor disk space for Linux and Windows devices using a Perl script.

Solution: Using the agent custom monitors, provide script details and select execution type as Perl. You can write the script in the Script text field and provide the metrics for warnings such as Default Warning Threshold and Critical Warning Threshold to generate alerts.