
A job is a unit of work that you define to automate commonly run tasks, like active directory checklist, antivirus update, application scan, disk cleanup etc.

Types of jobs that OpsRamp provides:

  • AD Checklist
  • Antivirus Update
  • Application Scan
  • Asset Information
  • Disk Defragmentation
  • ExBPA Checklist
  • Missing Patches Request
  • MSSQL Report
  • Network Backup Configuration
  • Temp File Deletion

Creating jobs

You can create and schedule a native job. When you navigate to Automation > Jobs from Dashboards or Infrastructure screen without selecting a specific client, OpsRamp displays a Select Client window. You must select the desired client to access the Jobs feature.

To create and apply a job:

  1. Go to Automation > Jobs, click Create.
  2. Select the client, Job Type and provide job name.
  3. Provide schedule time for the job and click Add Devices.
  4. Select the checkbox to select the devices to assign the job.   You can also filter for devices from the drop-down menu.
  5. After selection of devices, click Add Devices and click Save. You can now view the list of devices added to the job. The devices are added to the job.

A job is now created, scheduled and applied to selected devices.


In this scenario, you want to assign antivirus job across all the resources and schedule the job to run every Monday at 10 AM.


  1. Create a job.
  2. Assign the job to the resources.
  3. Provide a schedule for the job.