Why is an agent update required?

The agent update is required for updating bug fixes in the previous agent version, new features or to address critical issues.

How often does OpsRamp releases new agent updates?

OpsRamp provides an agent update after every major release (that occurs once a quarter) or sometimes after a minor release or any hotfixes.

What is the downtime for agent updates?

Agent update downtime is very minimal and the update process takes from one minute to a maximum of two minutes.

  • The downtime also depends on the network bandwidth that is required to download the patch.
  • During this process, the agent service is stopped and restarted after the update.

How do I find devices that have agent policies?

To find devices with agent policies:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounts and click Clients.
  2. Click on the client name.
  3. Select the Client Details tab to view the list of policies that are assigned to the resources.

How do I validate if the agent is successfully configured?

To validate configuration:

  1. Go to the Infrastructure tab.
  2. On the device list, search for the device on which the agent was deployed.
  3. Check for an icon that appears against the resource. This icon confirms that agent is successfully installed on the device.

With store and forward policy configured, how long can my device be offline?

With store and forward policy configured to your device, it has the capability of taking the backup of 48 hours.