POST https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/timeBoundRequests
Sample URLs
Field | Sub-Fields | Data Type | Values | Description |
subject | NA | String | NA | Time bound request subject<./td> |
description | NA | String | NA | Time bound request description. |
assignedUser | NA | String | NA | User responsible for working on the time bound request. |
resources | NA | String | NA | Resources for which the request is applicable. |
priority | NA | String | Low, Normal, High, Urgent, and Very Low | Request priority. |
consoles | type | String | MANAGEMENTCONSOLE, ADMINCONSOLE | Console type |
consoleProtocol | String | RDP, SSH, TELNET, VNC | Console protocol. | |
options | String | DISKSHARE, CLIPBOARDACCESS, FILETRANSFER | Console options. | |
schedule | 1. startTime | String | NA | Schedule start time. |
2. endTime | String | NA | Schedule end time. | |
3. type | String | one-time, recurring | Schedule type. | |
4. timezone | String | NA | Schedule time zone. The list of timezones are shown below. Example: "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles" | |
5. pattern | String | NA | Recurrence pattern. | |
1. type | String | daily, weekly, monthly | Recurrence pattern type. | |
2. dayFrequency | String | everyday, every weekday | Day on which the time bound request should occur. | |
3. weekDays | String | SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT | Weekdays on which the time bound request should occur. | |
4. dayOfMonth | Integer | 1,2,3,4........31 | Day of the month on which time bound request should occur. | |
5. weekIndex | String | FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, LAST | Weekdays on which the time bound request should occur every month. | |
6. dayOfWeek | String | SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT | Weekdays on which the time bound request should occur every month. | |
participantUsers | NA | String | NA | (Optional) |
requester | NA | String | NA | (Optional) Requester of the time bound request. |
cc | NA | String | NA | (Optional) Cc email. |
customFields | NA | String | NA | (Optional) User defined fields to include additional information of the time bound request. Refer to get custom fields to retrieve the list of custom fields defined for time bound requests. |
attachments | NA | String | NA | (Optional) Attach additional information related to the time bound request. |
extTicketId | NA | String | NA | (Optional) Attach an external ticket ID to a time bound request. |
knowledgeArticleIds | NA | Integer | NA | (Optional) Attach knowledge base articles to a time bound request. Below are the instructions to retrieve the knowledge base article ID:
- NA indicates that the value is not applicable.
- Date format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (GMT).
Timezones | ||
Pacific/Asia | Pacific/Honolulu | America/Anchorage |
America/Los_Angeles | America/Denver | America/Chicago |
America/New_York | America/Puerto_Rico | America/St_Johns |
America/Buenos_Aires | Atlantic/Azores | GMT |
Europe/Paris | Europe/Istanbul | Africa/Addis_Ababa |
Asia/Tehran | Asia/Yerevan | Asia/Karachi |
Asia/Calcutta | Asia/Dacca | Asia/Saigon |
Asia/Shanghai | Asia/Tokyo | Australia/Darwin |
Australia/Sydney | Pacific/Guadalcanal | Pacific/Auckland |
Schedule Pattern Types
Define the time duration for the time bound request to occur once or repeatedly.
Define the time bound request to occur for one-time only:
"type": "one-time",
"startTime": "2016-04-10T12:15:00+0000",
"endTime": "2016-04-10T12:15:00+0000",
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"
Define the time bound request to occur repeatedly:
"type": "recurring",
"startTime": "2016-04-10T12:15:00+0000",
"endTime": "2016-04-10T12:15:00+0000",
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"pattern": {
"type": "daily",
"dayFrequency": "everyday"
Below are the recurrence schedule pattern types:
- Daily
"pattern": {
"type": "daily",
"dayFrequency": "everyday"
- Weekly
"pattern": {
"type": "weekly",
"weekDays": "Monday"
- Monthly
"pattern": {
"type": "monthly",
"dayOfMonth": "1",
"weekIndex": "First",
"dayOfWeek": "Monday"
Status code
200 OK
Sample request
"subject": "Junk data should be truncated from repository",
"description": "Detect, validate and truncate the unwanted data.",
"priority": "Normal",
"cc": "migration@gmail.com",
"extTicketId": "EXT00010203",
"requester": {
"id": "USR0000000268",
"loginName": "john.rivers"
"assignedUser": {
"id": "USR0000000052",
"loginName": "admin.user"
"participantUsers": [{
"id": "USR0000000051",
"loginName": "james.hudson"
"id": "USR0000000052",
"loginName": "john.smith"
"resources": [{
"id": "481af404-33a6-4d61-af77-c483ca6641fa"
"id": "SGP-7adf3762-f310-4c14-9ecd-443eb7c6c208"
"id": "DGP-8d44a504-fd4b-4a78-ba34-2dfdf3ffb85e"
"consoles": [{
"consoleProtocol": "RDP",
"consoleProtocol": "SSH",
"consoleProtocol": "TELNET",
"consoleProtocol": "VNC"
"schedule": {
"type": "One-Time",
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"startTime": "2016-11-16T10:00:00+0000",
"endTime": "2016-11-29T18:30:00+0000"
"customFields": [{
"id": "UDF0000000446",
"name": "tbc_446",
"value": "1"
"id": "UDF0000000447",
"name": "multi_line_text_3806",
"value": "time bound request"
"attachments": [{
"name": "2.txt",
"file": "U2FtcGxlIFRleHQgZmlsZS0gdGVzdGluZyB3aXRoIGF0dGFjaG1lbnQ="
"name": "1.txt",
"file": "U2FtcGxlIFRleHQgZmlsZS0gdGVzdGluZyB3aXRoIGF0dGFjaG1lbnQ="
"knowledgeArticleIds": [
22, 13
Sample response
"id": "TBT0000010422",
"subject": "Junk data should be truncated from repository",
"description": "Detect, validate and truncate the unwanted data.",
"status": "New",
"oldStatus": "New",
"priority": "Normal",
"oldPriority": "Low",
"requester": {
"id": "USR0000000268",
"loginName": "john.rivers",
"lastName": "rivers",
"firstName": "John",
"email": "john.r@domain.com"
"assignedUser": {
"id": "USR0000000052",
"loginName": "admin.user",
"lastName": "user",
"firstName": "admin",
"email": "admin.userA@domain.com"
"assigneeGroup": {
"id": 7,
"name": "TestGroup1"
"resources": [{
"id": "481af404-33a6-4d61-af77-c483ca6641fa",
"name": "VTHLPT1000",
"type": "DEVICE"
"id": "SGP-7adf3762-f310-4c14-9ecd-443eb7c6c208",
"name": "VTH-SERVICES",
"type": "SERVICE"
"id": "DGP-8d44a504-fd4b-4a78-ba34-2dfdf3ffb85e",
"name": "VTH-ADMIN-DEVS",
"type": "DEVICE_GROUP"
"customFields": [{
"id": "UDF0000000446",
"classCode": "ACSTICKET",
"displayLabel": "TBc",
"name": "tbc_446",
"fieldType": "TYPE_CHECKBOX",
"mandatory": false,
"editable": true,
"description": "",
"options": [{
"label": "yes",
"value": "1"
"value": "1",
"defaultValue": "0",
"selectedOption": {
"label": "yes",
"value": "1"
"id": "UDF0000000447",
"classCode": "ACSTICKET",
"displayLabel": "date",
"name": "date_447",
"fieldType": "TYPE_DATE",
"mandatory": false,
"editable": true,
"description": "",
"value": "2016-11-22T18:30:00+0000",
"defaultValue": ""
"id": "UDF0000000448",
"classCode": "ACSTICKET",
"displayLabel": "TBDT",
"name": "tbdt_448",
"fieldType": "TYPE_DATETIME",
"mandatory": false,
"editable": true,
"description": "",
"value": "2016-11-30T05:50:00+0000",
"defaultValue": ""
"cc": "migration@gmail.com",
"ticketArisedTime": "",
"createdUser": {
"id": "USR0000000024",
"loginName": "johnSmith",
"lastName": "smith",
"firstName": "john",
"email": "john.smith@gmail.com",
"phoneNumber": "",
"mobileNumber": "408-123-1234"
"reOpenCount": 0,
"createdDate": "2016-11-15T07:30:01+0000",
"consoles": [{
"consoleProtocol": "SSH",
"consoleProtocol": "RDP",
"consoleProtocol": "VNC",
"consoleProtocol": "RDP",
"participantUsers": [{
"id": "USR0000000051",
"loginName": "james.hudson"
"id": "USR0000000052",
"loginName": "john.smith"
"allowedStatus": [{
"id": "1",
"name": "New",
"reasonsEnabled": false,
"reasonsDefined": false
"id": "3",
"name": "Pending",
"reasonsEnabled": false,
"reasonsDefined": false
"id": "4",
"name": "Resolved",
"reasonsEnabled": false,
"reasonsDefined": false
"id": "5",
"name": "Closed",
"reasonsEnabled": false,
"reasonsDefined": false
"id": "6",
"name": "On Hold",
"reasonsEnabled": false,
"reasonsDefined": false
"client": {
"id": 43,
"uniqueId": "client_43",
"name": "SDMigration",
"activated": true
"sourcePolicyType": "MANUAL",
"updatedDate": "2016-11-15T07:34:42+0000",
"priorityUpdatedBy": {
"id": "USR0000000024",
"loginName": "johnSmith",
"lastName": "smith",
"firstName": "john",
"email": "john.smith@gmail.com"
"priorityUpdatedDate": "2016-11-15T07:33:54+0000",
"statusUpdatedBy": {
"id": "USR0000000024",
"loginName": "johnSmith",
"lastName": "smith",
"firstName": "john",
"email": "john.smith@gmail.com"
"statusUpdatedDate": "2016-11-15T07:34:42+0000",
"resolvedDate": "2016-11-15T07:34:18+0000",
"slaDetails": {
"resolutionTime": 309,
"responseTime": 222,
"responseBreach": false,
"resolutionBreach": false,
"responseBreachDate": "",
"resolutionBreachDate": ""
"source": "PORTAL",
"schedule": {
"type": "one-time",
"startTime": "2016-11-16T10:00:00+0000",
"endTime": "2016-11-29T18:30:00+0000"
"statusFlow": [{
"status": "New",
"createdDate": "2016-07-25T12:42:19+0000",
"updatedBy": {
"loginName": "System.User",
"lastName": "system",
"firstName": "user",
"email": "sample@gmail.com"
"knowledgeArticleIds": [
22, 13
"attachedArticles": [{
"id": 22,
"subject": "Temporary Internet Files"
"id": 13,
"subject": "Setup Log Files"