POST https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/serviceRequests
Sample URLs
Field | Data Type | Description |
subject | String | Ticket subject. |
description | String | Ticket description. |
priority | String | Ticket priority with supported priority values: Low, Normal, High, Urgent, and Very Low. |
requester | String | (Optional) Requester or submitter of the service request. |
assignedUser | String | (Optional) User to whom the service request is assigned. |
assignedGroup | String | (Optional) User group to which the service request is assigned. |
resources | String | (Optional) Resources for which the service request is created. |
category | String | (Optional) Add the service request under a category. Use the get categories to retrieve the list of categories. |
subcategory | Integer | (Optional) Add the service request under a sub-category. Use get categories to retrieve the list of sub-categories. |
tags | String | (Optional) Tags for the service request. |
location | String | (Optional) Resource location. |
toEmail | String | (Optional) User email address to whom the service request details would be sent |
cc | String | (Optional) Cc email. |
attachments | Objects | (Optional) Attach files related to the service request. Convert attachment files to byte stream with base64-encoded. File size is limited to 50 MB. |
extTicketId | String | (Optional) Attach third-party ticket ID. |
customFields | String | (Optional) User-defined fields. User can create additional fields to attach more information related to the service request. Create custom field and use the get custom fields to retrieve the list of customized fields. |
attachedRequests | String | (Optional) Attach service requests to a service request. Use the search service requests API to fetch list of service requests in a client. |
knowledgeArticleIds | Integer | (Optional) Attach knowledge base articles related to a service request for further reference. To retrieve a knowledge base article ID:
Status code
200 OK
Sample request
"subject": "Renewal of Windows License",
"description": "Windows license is expiring soon, need to renew the license.",
"priority": "Low",
"location": "Test@location",
"cc": "testUser@gmail.com, test@gmail.com",
"extTicketId": "VNXC0090344",
"tags": "API, Service",
"category": {
"id": "22"
"subCategory": {
"id": "23"
"requester": {
"id": "USR0000002146",
"loginName": "FSSL-API-Lab-User-1"
"assignedUser": {
"id": "USR0000002146",
"loginName": "FSSL-API-Lab-User-1"
"assigneeGroup": {
"name": "API-Lab-Group-2"
"resources": [{
"id": "481af404-33a6-4d61-af77-c483ca6641fa"
"id": "SGP-7adf3762-f310-4c14-9ecd-443eb7c6c208"
"id": "DGP-8d44a504-fd4b-4a78-ba34-2dfdf3ffb85e"
"customFields": [{
"id": "UDF0000003797",
"name": "api_lab_drop_down_3797",
"value": "1"
"id": "UDF0000003798",
"name": "api_lab_text_3798",
"value": "testing text field"
"id": "UDF0000003801",
"name": "api_lab_checkbox_3801",
"value": "1"
"id": "UDF0000003802",
"name": "api_lab_date_3802",
"value": "2016-03-28T10:10:00+0000"
"attachments": [{
"name": "2.txt",
"file": "U2FtcGxlIFRleHQgZmlsZS0gdGVzdGluZyB3aXRoIGF0dGFjaG1lbnQ="
"name": "1.txt",
"file": "U2FtcGxlIFRleHQgZmlsZS0gdGVzdGluZyB3aXRoIGF0dGFjaG1lbnQ="
"attachedRequests": [{
"id": "INC0000001370"
"id": "INC0000001371"
"id": "INC0000001368"
"knowledgeArticleIds": [25, 16]
Sample response
"id": "SRQ0000001113",
"subject": "Renewal of Windows License",
"description": "Windows license is expiring soon, need to renew the license.",
"status": "New",
"oldStatus": "New",
"priority": "Low",
"oldPriority": "Low",
"requester": {
"id": "USR0000002146",
"loginName": "FSSL-API-Lab-User-1",
"lastName": "API-Lab",
"firstName": "FSSL",
"email": "tester@gmail.com"
"assignedUser": {
"id": "USR0000002146",
"loginName": "FSSL-API-Lab-User-1",
"lastName": "API-Lab",
"firstName": "FSSL",
"email": "tester@gmail.com"
"assigneeGroup": {
"id": 18,
"name": "API-Lab-Group-2",
"userCount": 3
"resources": [{
"id": "481af404-33a6-4d61-af77-c483ca6641fa",
"name": "VTHLPT1000",
"type": "DEVICE"
"id": "SGP-7adf3762-f310-4c14-9ecd-443eb7c6c208",
"name": "VTH-SERVICES",
"type": "SERVICE"
"id": "DGP-8d44a504-fd4b-4a78-ba34-2dfdf3ffb85e",
"name": "VTH-ADMIN-DEVS",
"type": "DEVICE_GROUP"
"extTicketId": "VNXC0090344",
"cc": "testUser@gmail.com, test@gmail.com",
"ticketArisedTime": "",
"createdUser": {
"id": "USR0000002095",
"loginName": "John.Smith",
"lastName": "Smith",
"firstName": "John",
"email": "john.smith@gmail.com"
"alertIds": [],
"createdDate": "2016-03-29T11:32:08+0000",
"allowedStatus": [{
"id": "2",
"name": "Open",
"reasonsEnabled": true,
"reasonsDefined": true
"id": "3",
"name": "Pending",
"reasonsEnabled": true,
"reasonsDefined": false
"id": "4",
"name": "Resolved",
"reasonsEnabled": true,
"reasonsDefined": false
"id": "5",
"name": "Closed",
"reasonsEnabled": true,
"reasonsDefined": true
"id": "6",
"name": "On Hold",
"reasonsEnabled": true,
"reasonsDefined": true
"client": {
"id": 7,
"uniqueId": "client_7",
"name": "API Lab",
"activated": true,
"updatedTime": "",
"createdTime": "2012-10-09T11:49:34+0000"
"updatedDate": "2016-03-29T11:32:10+0000",
"priorityUpdatedBy": {
"id": "USR0000002146",
"loginName": "FSSL-API-Lab-User-1",
"lastName": "API-Lab",
"firstName": "FSSL",
"email": "tester@gmail.com"
"priorityUpdatedDate": "2016-03-29T11:32:08+0000",
"statusUpdatedBy": {
"id": "USR0000002146",
"loginName": "FSSL-API-Lab-User-1",
"lastName": "API-Lab",
"firstName": "FSSL",
"email": "tester@gmail.com"
"statusUpdatedDate": "2016-03-29T11:32:08+0000",
"slaDetails": {
"resolutionTime": 0,
"responseTime": 0,
"responseBreach": false,
"resolutionBreach": false,
"responseBreachDate": "",
"resolutionBreachDate": ""
"source": "INTEGRATION",
"serviceCatalogItemId": "0",
"statusFlow": [{
"status": "New",
"createdDate": "2016-07-25T12:42:19+0000",
"updatedBy": {
"loginName": "System.User",
"lastName": "system",
"firstName": "user",
"email": "sample@gmail.com"
"attachedRequests": [{
"id": "INC0000001370"
"id": "INC0000001371"
"id": "INC0000001368"
"knowledgeArticleIds": [25, 16],
"referenceArticles": [{
"id": 25,
"subject": "Frequently Asked Questions on Windows License"
"id": 16,
"subject": "Updated Windows Version"