GET https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/serviceRequests/{serviceRequestId}/activitylog

Sample URLs

https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/client_4/serviceRequests/SRQ0000001800/activitylog?startTs=2018-10-29T12:26:27 0000&endTs=2018-11-01T12:26:27 0000&isDescendingOrder=true


All parameters are optional:

FieldDefault ValueDescription
startTsTicket created timeTo retrieve activities performed on a service request within a certain duration, provide the start time and end time. startTs indicates the from date and time.
Example: 2018-08-10T05:39:51 0000
endTsCurrent timeendTs indicates the to date and time.
Example: 2018-08-25T10:20:15 0000
isDescendingOrdertrueTo list the data in a descending order (high to low), provide isDescendingOrder: true, otherwise provide false. By default, data is listed in descending order.
Example: To arrange data from 30th Oct to 1st Oct, provide isDescendingOrder: true

Sample response

 "results": [{
 "activity": "Service Request "#SRQ0000001800 Renewal of Adobe License" updated by James",
 "htmlLog": [
 "<div class="ActivityLogDetails"></div><p>Is Important changed from 0 to 1</p>"
 "createdTime": "2018-11-01T06:11:40+0000",
 "logType": "TICKET",
 "createdBy": {
 "loginName": "James.Blake",
 "lastName": "Blake",
 "firstName": "James",
 "email": "james.blake@myorganization.com",
 "phoneNumber": "800 234-2345"
 "changeLog": [{
 "attribute": "Is Important",
 "oldValue": "0",
 "newValue": "1"
 "activity": "Service Request "#SRQ0000001800 Renewal of Adobe License" updated by James",
 "htmlLog": [
 "<div class="ActivityLogDetails"><p class="AttributeName" >Assignee changed to John.Smith</p></div>"
 "createdTime": "2018-11-01T06:11:21+0000",
 "logType": "TICKET",
 "createdBy": {
 "loginName": "James.Blake",
 "lastName": "Blake",
 "firstName": "James",
 "email": "james.blake@myorganization.com",
 "phoneNumber": "800 234-2345"
 "changeLog": [{
 "attribute": "Assignee",
 "oldValue": "",
 "newValue": "John.Smith"
 "activity": "Service Request "#SRQ0000001800 Renewal of Adobe License" updated by Mark",
 "htmlLog": [
 "<div class="ActivityLogDetails"><p class="AttributeName" > New response "Adobe product license is expiring on Nov 4th." added.</p></div>"
 "createdTime": "2018-10-31T06:31:35+0000",
 "logType": "TICKET",
 "createdBy": {
 "id": "USR0000000007",
 "loginName": "Mark.Rivers",
 "lastName": "Rivers",
 "firstName": "Mark",
 "email": "mark.rivers@myorganization.com",
 "phoneNumber": ""
 "activity": "New Service Request "#SRQ0000001800 Renewal of Adobe License" created by Mark",
 "createdTime": "2018-10-30T06:18:25+0000",
 "logType": "TICKET",
 "createdBy": {
 "id": "USR0000000007",
 "loginName": "Mark.Rivers",
 "lastName": "Rivers",
 "firstName": "Mark",
 "email": "mark.rivers@myorganization.com",
 "phoneNumber": ""
 "totalResults": 4,
 "pageSize": 4,
 "nextPage": false,
 "startDate": "2018-10-29T12:26:27+0000",
 "endDate": "2018-11-01T12:26:27+0000",
 "descendingOrder": true