POST https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/problems

Sample URLs



FieldData TypeDescription
subjectStringSubject of the problem.
priorityStringPriority of the problem.
descriptionStringDescription of the problem.
applicationStringApplication from which the problem is generated.
rootcauseString(Optional) Root cause of the problem.
requesterString(Optional) User who requests the problem.
ccString(Optional) Cc email.
workaroundString(Optional) Temporary solution to solve the problem.
assignedUserString(Optional) User to whom the problem is assigned.
resourcesString(Optional) Resources on which the problem is generate.
extTicketIdString(Optional) Attach an external ticket ID to the problem.
customFieldsString(Optional) User-defined fields. User can create additional fields to attach more information related to the problem. Create a custom field and use the get problem custom fields to retrieve the list of the customized fields.
categoryInteger(Optional) Add the problem under a category. Use the get categories API to retrieve the list of categories.
subcategoryInteger(Optional) Add the problem under a sub-category. Use Get Categories to retrieve the list of sub-categories.
changeRequestString(Optional) Attach a problem related to the problem.
knownIssueBoolean(Optional) The issue is known:
  • Provide knownIssue=true, if the problem is an expected issue.
  • Provide knownIssue=false, if the problem is not an expected issue.
attachmentsString(Optional) Attach files related to the problem. Convert attachment files to byte stream with base64-encoding. The file size limit of an attachment is 50 MB.
knowledgeArticleIdsInteger(Optional) Attach knowledge base articles related to the problem for further reference. To retrieve a knowledge base article ID:
  1. Log into OpsRamp.
  2. Click Knowledge Base.
  3. Select the required article and then copy the article ID.
  4. Provide the article ID in "knowledgeArticleIds" field.
    Example: "knowledgeArticleIds": 25, 16.
estimatedHoursInteger(Optional) Estimated time for resolving a problem. For example, a user estimates 3 hours for completion of a problem, the user provides value as "estimatedHours": "3".
estimatedMinutesInteger(Optional) Estimated time for resolving a problem. For example, a user estimates 45 minutes for completion of a task, then user provides value as "estimatedMinutes": "45".

Date format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (GMT).

Sample request

	"subject": "Issue with Device status",
	"description": "Device status is not available",
	"priority": "Normal",
	"extTicketId": "BMCXC00907",
	"location": "Location@test",
	"cc": "tester@gmail.com,VTester@gmail.com",
	"tags": "API, Problem",
	"rootCause": "Device Status",
	"workaround": "Need to check from DataBase from every time",
	"application": "Devices Separation based on status",
	"channelId": "1",
	"category": {
		"id": "26"
	"subCategory": {
		"id": "28"
	"knownIssue": "true",
	"knowledgeArticleIds": [12, 26],
	"changeRequest": {
		"id": "CHG0000001093"
	"requester": {
		"id": "USR0000002146",
		"loginName": "FSSL-API-Lab-User-1"
	"assignedUser": {
		"id": "USR0000002146",
		"loginName": "FSSL-API-Lab-User-1"
	"resources": [{
		"id": "481af404-33a6-4d61-af77-c483ca6641fa"
	}, {
		"id": "SGP-7adf3762-f310-4c14-9ecd-443eb7c6c208"
	}, {
		"id": "DGP-8d44a504-fd4b-4a78-ba34-2dfdf3ffb85e"
	"customFields": [{
		"id": "UDF0000003790",
		"name": "drop_down_api_lab_3790",
		"value": "2"
	}, {
		"id": "UDF0000003791",
		"name": "text_api_lab_3791",
		"value": "request custom field - text"
	"attachments": [{
		"name": "2.txt",
		"file": "U2FtcGxlIFRleHQgZmlsZS0gdGVzdGluZyB3aXRoIGF0dGFjaG1lbnQ="
	}, {
		"name": "1.txt",
		"file": "U2FtcGxlIFRleHQgZmlsZS0gdGVzdGluZyB3aXRoIGF0dGFjaG1lbnQ="
	"estimatedHours": "3",
	"estimatedMinutes": "45"

Sample response

	"id": "PRB0000001112",
	"subject": "Issue with Device Status",
	"description": "Device status is unavailable",
	"status": "New",
	"oldStatus": "New",
	"priority": "Normal",
	"oldPriority": "Normal",
	"requester": {
		"id": "USR0000002146",
		"loginName": "FSSL-API-Lab-User-1",
		"lastName": "API-Lab",
		"firstName": "FSSL",
		"email": "tester@gmail.com"
	"assignedUser": {
		"id": "USR0000002146",
		"loginName": "FSSL-API-Lab-User-1",
		"lastName": "API-Lab",
		"firstName": "FSSL",
		"email": "tester@gmail.com"
	"resources": [{
		"id": "481af404-33a6-4d61-af77-c483ca6641fa",
		"name": "VTHLPT1000",
		"type": "DEVICE"
	}, {
		"id": "SGP-7adf3762-f310-4c14-9ecd-443eb7c6c208",
		"name": "VTH-SERVICES",
		"type": "SERVICE"
	}, {
		"id": "DGP-8d44a504-fd4b-4a78-ba34-2dfdf3ffb85e",
		"name": "VTH-ADMIN-DEVS",
		"type": "DEVICE_GROUP"
	"extTicketId": "BMCXC00907",
	"cc": "tester@gmail.com,VTester@gmail.com",
	"ticketArisedTime": "",
	"createdUser": {
		"id": "USR0000002095",
		"loginName": "John.Smith",
		"lastName": "Smith",
		"firstName": "John",
		"email": "john.smith@gmail.com"
	"alertIds": [],
	"createdDate": "2016-03-29T10:33:17+0000",
	"allowedStatus": [{
		"id": "2",
		"name": "Open",
		"reasonsEnabled": true,
		"reasonsDefined": true
	}, {
		"id": "3",
		"name": "Pending",
		"reasonsEnabled": true,
		"reasonsDefined": true
	}, {
		"id": "4",
		"name": "Resolved",
		"reasonsEnabled": true,
		"reasonsDefined": false
	}, {
		"id": "5",
		"name": "Closed",
		"reasonsEnabled": true,
		"reasonsDefined": false
	}, {
		"id": "6",
		"name": "On Hold",
		"reasonsEnabled": true,
		"reasonsDefined": true
	"client": {
		"id": 7,
		"uniqueId": "client_7",
		"name": "API Lab",
		"activated": true,
		"updatedTime": "",
		"createdTime": "2012-10-09T11:49:34+0000"
	"updatedDate": "2016-03-29T10:33:28+0000",
	"priorityUpdatedBy": {
		"id": "USR0000002146",
		"loginName": "FSSL-API-Lab-User-1",
		"lastName": "API-Lab",
		"firstName": "FSSL",
		"email": "tester@gmail.com"
	"priorityUpdatedDate": "2016-03-29T10:33:17+0000",
	"statusUpdatedBy": {
		"id": "USR0000002146",
		"loginName": "FSSL-API-Lab-User-1",
		"lastName": "API-Lab",
		"firstName": "FSSL",
		"email": "tester@gmail.com"
	"statusUpdatedDate": "2016-03-29T10:33:17+0000",
	"slaDetails": {
		"resolutionTime": 0,
		"responseTime": 0,
		"responseBreach": false,
		"resolutionBreach": false,
		"responseBreachDate": "",
		"resolutionBreachDate": ""
	"source": "INTEGRATION",
	"rootCause": "Device Status",
	"workaround": "Need to check from Database every time",
	"application": "Devices separation based on status",
	"statusFlow": [{
		"status": "New",
		"createdDate": "2016-07-25T12:42:19+0000",
		"updatedBy": {
			"loginName": "system.user",
			"lastName": "system",
			"firstName": "user",
			"email": "sample@opsramp.com"
	"knowledgeArticleIds": [
		12, 26
	"attachedArticles": [{
			"id": 12,
			"subject": "Troubleshoot Device Status and Availability"
			"id": 26,
			"subject": "Notes on Network Infrastructure"
	"estimatedHours": "3",
	"estimatedMinutes": "45"