Custom forms include fields required to create a service desk entity. Custom fields can be defined that will appear on a ticket. Custom fields have the following characteristics:
- Define the field as mandatory or optional
- Inactivate the fields that are not required
- Organize the fields
Instructions to create a custom form
Log into OpsRamp and do the following:
- Click Setup.
- On the left-hand side panel, click Service Desk, and click Custom Forms.
- Select the ticket type.
- Select the client and customize the fields.
- To edit a default field, click Edit, provide the details, and click Update.
- To add new fields, select the field type from the right-hand side panel. Supported field types are:
- Drop-down
- Text
- Mutli-line text
- Numeric
- Checkbox
- Date
- Date and Time
- Provide the details for field and click Save.
- To inactivate a field, click Inactivate.
- The inactive fields appear in the Inactive fields section.