POST https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/changeRequests
Sample URLs
Field | Data Type | Description |
subject | String | Ticket subject. |
priority | String | Ticket priority with supported priority values: Low, Normal, High, Urgent, and Very Low. |
description | String | Ticket description. |
changePlan | String | Description of the change plan. |
rollbackPlan | String | Description of roll back plan. |
testPlan | String | Description of test plan. |
plannedStart | String | (Optional) |
plannedEnd | String | (Optional) |
workStart | String | (Optional) |
workEnd | String | (Optional) |
extTicketId | String | (Optional) Attach third party ticket ID. |
cc | String | (Optional) Cc email. |
channelId | Integer | (Optional) |
tags | String | (Optional) |
location | String | (Optional) |
assignedUser | String | (Optional) User to whom the change request is assigned. |
requester | String | (Optional) User who requests the change request. |
resources | String | (Optional) |
customFields | String | (Optional) User-defined fields. User can create additional fields to attach more information related to the change request. Create a custom field and use the get change request custom fields retrieve the list of the customized fields for change request. |
category | Integer | (Optional) Add the change request under a category. Use the get API to retrieve the list of categories. |
subcategory | Integer | (Optional) Add the change request under a sub-category. Use get categories to retrieve the list of sub-categories. |
changeType | String | (Optional) Normal or Emergency depending on the Priority of a change request. For example, create a change type Emergency for change requests that must be processed immediately or if Priority of a request is High. |
attachments | String | (Optional) Attach files related to the change request. Convert attachment files to byte stream with base64-encoding. The file size limit of an attachment is 50 MB. |
assigneeGroup | String | (Optional) User group to which the change request is assigned. |
knowledgeArticleIds | Integer | (Optional) Attach knowledge base articles related to the change request for further reference. To retrieve a knowledge base article ID:
Date format is yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (GMT).
Sample request
"subject": "Request to change my VPN Password",
"description": "I am unable to login into my VPN account, please change and inform",
"priority": "Low",
"extTicketId": "BM023456",
"changePlan": "VPN Password Change",
"rollbackPlan": "VPN Account",
"testPlan": "VPN @Test",
"plannedStart": "2016-04-01T00:00:00+0000",
"plannedEnd": "2016-04-30T00:00:00+0000",
"workStart": "2016-04-10T00:00:00+0000",
"workEnd": "2016-04-20T00:00:00+0000",
"cc": "Tester_1@gmail.com,tester@gmail.com",
"category": {
"id": "14"
"subCategory": {
"id": "15"
"changeType": "Emergency",
"assigneeGroup": {
"name": "API-Lab-Group-1"
"channelId": "2",
"tags": "testTag,testTag2",
"location": "location@test",
"assignedUser": {
"id": "USR0000002146",
"loginName": "FSSL-API-Lab-User-1"
"requester": {
"id": "USR0000002147",
"loginName": "FSSL-API-Lab-User-2"
"resources": [{
"id": "481af404-33a6-4d61-af77-c483ca6641fa"
}, {
"id": "SGP-7adf3762-f310-4c14-9ecd-443eb7c6c208"
}, {
"id": "DGP-8d44a504-fd4b-4a78-ba34-2dfdf3ffb85e"
"customFields": [{
"id": "UDF0000003790",
"name": "drop_down_api_lab_3790",
"value": "2"
}, {
"id": "UDF0000003791",
"name": "text_api_lab_3791",
"value": "request custom field - text"
"attachments": [{
"name": "2.txt",
"file": "U2FtcGxlIFRleHQgZmlsZS0gdGVzdGluZyB3aXRoIGF0dGFjaG1lbnQ="
}, {
"name": "1.txt",
"file": "U2FtcGxlIFRleHQgZmlsZS0gdGVzdGluZyB3aXRoIGF0dGFjaG1lbnQ="
"knowledgeArticleIds": [
15, 24
Sample response
"id": "CHG0000001111",
"subject": "Request to change my VPN Password",
"description": "I am unable to login into my VPN account, please change and inform",
"status": "New",
"oldStatus": "New",
"priority": "Low",
"oldPriority": "Low",
"requester": {
"id": "USR0000002147",
"loginName": "FSSL-API-Lab-User-2",
"lastName": "API-Lab-2",
"firstName": "FSSL",
"email": "tester3@gmail.com",
"phoneNumber": "9876543219"
"assignedUser": {
"id": "USR0000002146",
"loginName": "FSSL-API-Lab-User-1",
"lastName": "API-Lab",
"firstName": "FSSL",
"email": "tester@gmail.com"
"assigneeGroup": {
"id": 17,
"name": "API-Lab-Group-1",
"userCount": 2
"resources": [{
"id": "481af404-33a6-4d61-af77-c483ca6641fa",
"name": "VTHLPT1000",
"type": "DEVICE"
}, {
"id": "SGP-7adf3762-f310-4c14-9ecd-443eb7c6c208",
"name": "VTH-SERVICES",
"type": "SERVICE"
}, {
"id": "DGP-8d44a504-fd4b-4a78-ba34-2dfdf3ffb85e",
"name": "VTH-ADMIN-DEVS",
"type": "DEVICE_GROUP"
"extTicketId": "BM023456",
"customFields": [{
"id": "UDF0000003790",
"classCode": "CHANGE",
"displayLabel": "drop-down-api-lab",
"name": "drop_down_api_lab_3790",
"fieldType": "TYPE_DROPDOWN",
"mandatory": false,
"editable": true,
"description": "Test case",
"options": [{
"label": "first",
"value": "1"
}, {
"label": "second",
"value": "2"
"value": "2",
"selectedOption": {
"label": "second",
"value": "2"
}, {
"id": "UDF0000003791",
"classCode": "CHANGE",
"displayLabel": "text-api-lab",
"name": "text_api_lab_3791",
"fieldType": "TYPE_TEXT",
"mandatory": false,
"editable": true,
"description": "Test case for text field",
"value": "request custom field - text"
}, {
"id": "UDF0000003792",
"classCode": "CHANGE",
"displayLabel": "multi line text-api-lab",
"name": "multi_line_text_api_lab_3792",
"fieldType": "TYPE_TEXTAREA",
"mandatory": false,
"editable": true,
"description": "Test case for multi line text"
}, {
"id": "UDF0000003793",
"classCode": "CHANGE",
"displayLabel": "Numeric-api-lab",
"name": "numeric_api_lab_3793",
"fieldType": "TYPE_NUMBER",
"mandatory": false,
"editable": true,
"description": "Numeric test case"
}, {
"id": "UDF0000003794",
"classCode": "CHANGE",
"displayLabel": "checkbox-api-lab",
"name": "checkbox_api_lab_3794",
"fieldType": "TYPE_CHECKBOX",
"mandatory": false,
"editable": true,
"description": "Test case for check box",
"options": [{
"label": "yes",
"value": "1"
}, {
"id": "UDF0000003795",
"classCode": "CHANGE",
"displayLabel": "Date-ap-lab",
"name": "date_ap_lab_3795",
"fieldType": "TYPE_DATE",
"mandatory": false,
"editable": true,
"description": "Test case for date field"
}, {
"id": "UDF0000003796",
"classCode": "CHANGE",
"displayLabel": "dateTime-api-lab",
"name": "datetime_api_lab_3796",
"fieldType": "TYPE_DATETIME",
"mandatory": false,
"editable": true,
"description": "Test case for Date and time"
"cc": "Tester_1@gmail.com,tester@gmail.com",
"ticketArisedTime": "",
"createdUser": {
"id": "USR0000002095",
"loginName": "John.Smith",
"lastName": "Smith",
"firstName": "John",
"email": "john.smith@gmail.com"
"alertIds": [],
"createdDate": "2016-03-29T09:08:40+0000",
"allowedStatus": [{
"id": "2",
"name": "Open",
"reasonsEnabled": true,
"reasonsDefined": true
}, {
"id": "3",
"name": "Pending",
"reasonsEnabled": true,
"reasonsDefined": false
}, {
"id": "4",
"name": "Resolved",
"reasonsEnabled": true,
"reasonsDefined": false
}, {
"id": "5",
"name": "Closed",
"reasonsEnabled": true,
"reasonsDefined": false
}, {
"id": "6",
"name": "On Hold",
"reasonsEnabled": true,
"reasonsDefined": true
"client": {
"id": 7,
"uniqueId": "client_7",
"name": "API Lab",
"activated": true,
"updatedTime": "",
"createdTime": "2012-10-09T11:49:34+0000"
"updatedDate": "2016-03-29T09:08:41+0000",
"priorityUpdatedBy": {
"id": "USR0000002147",
"loginName": "FSSL-API-Lab-User-2",
"lastName": "API-Lab-2",
"firstName": "FSSL",
"email": "tester3@gmail.com"
"priorityUpdatedDate": "2016-03-29T09:08:40+0000",
"statusUpdatedBy": {
"id": "USR0000002147",
"loginName": "FSSL-API-Lab-User-2",
"lastName": "API-Lab-2",
"firstName": "FSSL",
"email": "tester3@gmail.com"
"statusUpdatedDate": "2016-03-29T09:08:40+0000",
"slaDetails": {
"resolutionTime": 0,
"responseTime": 0,
"responseBreach": false,
"resolutionBreach": false,
"responseBreachDate": "",
"resolutionBreachDate": ""
"source": "INTEGRATION",
"changeType": "Emergency",
"changePlan": "VPN Password Change",
"rollbackPlan": "VPN Account",
"testPlan": "VPN @Test",
"plannedStart": "2016-04-01T00:00:00+0000",
"plannedEnd": "2016-04-30T00:00:00+0000",
"workStart": "2016-04-10T00:00:00+0000",
"workEnd": "2016-04-20T00:00:00+0000",
"statusFlow": [{
"status": "New",
"createdDate": "2016-07-25T12:42:19+0000",
"updatedBy": {
"loginName": "System.User",
"lastName": "system",
"firstName": "user",
"email": "sample@gmail.com"
"knowledgeArticleIds": [
15, 24
"attachedArticles": [{
"id": 24,
"subject": "VPN Settings"
"id": 15,
"subject": "Best Practises in VPN Use and Data Security"