POST https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/resources
Sample URLs
There are special characters that can be used in a query string:
- (+) represents the next field and must be URL-encoded.
- (:) represents equals. An example is
key : value
. - Space characters must be URL-encoded.
- Date format must be yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (GMT).
All fields are mandatory:
Field | Data Type | Description |
hostName/resourceName | String | Name of the host. |
resourceType | String | Type of resource. Use SYNTHETIC for synthetic. |
checkType | String | Specifies the category type. Example: http, https, ftp, and so on. |
url | String | URL of the synthetic. |
locationUuids | String | Array of UUIDs of locations you want to bind. |
| String | Specifies the credentials. Examples:
Sample request
"checkType" : "SMTP",
"resourceName" : "Roman Holiday",
"host" : "www.romanholiday.com",
"credential" :{
"securityLevel" : "basic",
"userName" : "s1234",
"password" : "s1234"
"locationUuids" :
[ "223087d3-ef45-4efd-9587-0b20ad8ca355",
Sample response
"resourceUUID": "612acfb0-6890-4d52-950b-1c4ec17a7248",
"tenantID": "client_5"