POST https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/deviceGroups
Sample URLs
Field | Data Type | Description |
name | String | Unique name for the device group. The device group is identified with this name. |
entityType | String | Type of resources in a group. Example: DEVICE_GROUP, SNS |
filterCriteria | (Optional) Set of rules to filter resources. | |
matchType | String | (Optional) The type of match:
| String | (Optional) Filter devices with specific attributes:
kbArticleIds | Integer | (Optional) Assign knowledge base articles to a device group. To fetch a knowledge base article ID:
Status code
200 OK
Sample request
"name": "Storage Device Group",
"entityType": "DEVICE_GROUP",
"kbArticlesIds": [10897]
"name": "Warehouse Device Group",
"entityType": "DEVICE_GROUP",
"filterCriteria": {
"matchType": "ANY",
"rules": [{
"key": "Name",
"operator": "Contains",
"value": "Switch",
"resourceType": "DEVICE"
"key": "Topic Name",
"operator": "Contains",
"value": "sns",
"resourceType": "SNS"
Sample response
"id": "DGP-a20e13ad-e98f-416e-a9dd-40158ffdb2af",
"name": "Storage Device Group",
"createdDate": "2017-08-10T07:28:47+0000",
"updatedDate": "2017-08-10T07:28:47+0000",
"entityType": "DEVICE_GROUP",
"kbArticlesIds" : [10897]
"id": "DGP-0cd9cf8e-bb6b-42ac-b438-1c005679f543",
"name": "Warehouse Device Group",
"createdDate": "2017-11-14T06:20:09+0000",
"updatedDate": "2017-11-14T06:20:09+0000",
"entityType": "DEVICE_GROUP",
"filterCriteria": {
"matchType": "ANY",
"rules": [
"key": "Name",
"operator": "Contains",
"value": "Switch",
"resourceType": "DEVICE"
"key": "Topic Name",
"operator": "Contains",
"value": "sns",
"resourceType": "SNS"