GET https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/patches
Sample URLs
To retrieve the list of patches:
To retrieve the list of patches with query variables along with pagination:
There are special characters that can be used in a query string:
- (+) represents the next field and must be URL-encoded.
- (:) represents equals. An example is
key : value
. - Space characters must be URL-encoded.
The parameters are optional:
Field | Default Value |
pageNo={pageNo} | 1 |
pageSize={pageSize} | 100 |
isDescendingOrder={true/false} | true |
sortName={field} | name |
queryString={queryString} | NA |
viewId | NA |
NA indicates that the value is not applicable.
Query variables
Search for patches using these patch attributes:
Query Variables | Description |
name | Patch name. |
uid | Patch unique ID. |
startReleaseDate | Search for patches released within a specific duration. startReleaseDate indicates the from date. Date format must be yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (GMT). |
endReleaseDate | Search for patches released within a specific duration. endReleaseDate indicates the to date. Date format must be yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (GMT). |
extPatchId | External ID of a patch. |
severity | Severity of patch. |
category | Category in which a patch is created. |
type | Type of patch. Example: Windows |
Sample response
"results": [{
"id": "PATCH-1fde1043-0d9c-4f3f-8a34-2d0afc3a137a",
"name": "apparmor",
"externalId": "apparmor_2.10.95-0ubuntu2.6~14.04.3",
"severity": "standard",
"category": "Updates - admin",
"releaseTime": "2018-02-13T19:15:08+0000",
"type": "LINUX",
"rebootRequired": false
"id": "PATCH-6a58ce81-abb3-40f0-b249-8584e9fdae84",
"name": "apt-transport-https",
"externalId": "apt-transport-https_1.0.1ubuntu2.18",
"severity": "standard",
"category": "Updates - admin",
"releaseTime": "2018-05-25T10:10:36+0000",
"type": "LINUX",
"rebootRequired": false
"id": "PATCH-f1dd79e3-208c-4eb9-8c1f-62ad7cdf7866",
"name": "apt-utils",
"externalId": "apt-utils_1.0.1ubuntu2.18",
"severity": "important",
"category": "Updates - admin",
"releaseTime": "2018-05-25T10:10:36+0000",
"type": "LINUX",
"rebootRequired": false
"id": "PATCH-c7fdc647-7f98-4156-8915-ad20369cfb6b",
"name": "cpp-4.8",
"externalId": "cpp-4.8_4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.4",
"severity": "optional",
"category": "Security Updates - interpreters",
"releaseTime": "2018-04-10T15:30:30+0000",
"type": "LINUX",
"rebootRequired": false
"id": "PATCH-576526b8-c513-488a-8881-b7c13ea6b676",
"name": "curl",
"externalId": "curl_7.35.0-1ubuntu2.16",
"severity": "optional",
"category": "Security Updates - web",
"releaseTime": "2018-05-25T10:10:36+0000",
"type": "LINUX",
"rebootRequired": false
"id": "PATCH-dcc1b827-50a7-4f2a-ba4c-22ea90b17891",
"name": "file",
"externalId": "file_1:5.14-2ubuntu3.4",
"severity": "important",
"category": "Security Updates - utils",
"releaseTime": "2018-06-26T07:36:07+0000",
"type": "LINUX",
"rebootRequired": false
"id": "PATCH-af02d7ad-9d21-4f54-8ec3-40710acd4391",
"name": "gcc-4.8",
"externalId": "gcc-4.8_4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.4",
"severity": "optional",
"category": "Security Updates - devel",
"releaseTime": "2018-04-10T15:30:30+0000",
"type": "LINUX",
"rebootRequired": false
"id": "PATCH-e02b2744-4a66-4130-8346-35be3026807f",
"name": "gcc-4.8-base",
"externalId": "gcc-4.8-base_4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.4",
"severity": "important",
"category": "Security Updates - libs",
"releaseTime": "2018-04-10T15:30:30+0000",
"type": "LINUX",
"rebootRequired": false
"id": "PATCH-b5619de5-be35-4134-a17d-9ecdcc49dc42",
"name": "initramfs-tools",
"externalId": "initramfs-tools_0.103ubuntu4.11",
"severity": "required",
"category": "Updates - utils",
"releaseTime": "2018-06-14T05:38:48+0000",
"type": "LINUX",
"rebootRequired": false
"id": "PATCH-4b915578-0297-446f-b6c3-c835392669d9",
"name": "isc-dhcp-common",
"externalId": "isc-dhcp-common_4.2.4-7ubuntu12.13",
"severity": "important",
"category": "Updates - net",
"releaseTime": "2018-04-10T15:30:30+0000",
"type": "LINUX",
"rebootRequired": false
"totalResults": 50,
"orderBy": "name",
"pageNo": 1,
"pageSize": 10,
"totalPages": 5,
"nextPage": true,
"nextPageNo": 2,
"previousPageNo": 0,
"descendingOrder": false