POST https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/integrations/install/{intgId}

Status code

200 OK

This API is not supported for deployment, email requests, and other category integrations.

Install integrations

OpsRamp supports the following integrations: cloud, monitoring, collaboration. To install the integration, provide the integration ID in {intgld}.

Sample URL


Sample response

	"id": "INTG-74640545-0895-4924-9261-250ce5ce7ad5",
	"integration": {
		"id": "PINGDOM",
		"name": "Pingdom"

Install integrations and customize the display name and logo of the integrations. This applies only for custom and email alert integrations.

Sample request

	"displayName": "Test Integration",
	"logo": {
		"name": "test.png",

Sample response

	"id": "INTG-b95d0d73-e904-4059-915c-7380396af61c",
	"displayName": "Test Integration",
	"integration": {
		"id": "CUSTOM",
		"name": "Custom"

Install integration with parent inheritance

Install an integration by inheriting a parent integration. Configuration details such as notification type, basic URI, and authentication type are inherited by the integration.

Only custom integrations support parent integration inheritance.

Sample request

	"displayName": "Logix Integration",
	"parentIntg": {
		"id": "INTG-f3e44188-83d9-4efc-82d1-68b07b740f0b"

Sample response

	"id": "INTG-d4c2a1b3-0520-4e24-809f-b1a2857b88ac",
	"displayName": "Logix Integration",
	"integration": {
		"id": "CUSTOM",
		"name": "Custom"