POST https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/integrations/installed/{installedIntgId}/event/{eventId}

Sample URLs



All fields are optional:

FieldData TypeDescription
nameStringName of the Integration event.
entityStringOpsRamp entity on which an action is performed. Supported entities include:
  • Service Desk
    • CHANGE
    • TASK
  • Resource
  • Alert
    • ALERT (used only when eventType is selected as NONE)
eventTypeStringType of action performed on the entity. Supported values include:
  • NONE (Used to invoke external integration through process workflow)
  1. id
  2. matchType
  3. rules
    • resourceType
    • key
    • operator
    • value
StringFilter entities on which the event is added to the rules:
  1. Match All or Any of the rules.
    • Supported Values: ANY, ALL
  2. Rules to filter the entities:
    • Entity to which the event is added.
    • The unique property of the entity. Example: Subject, Description.
    • Matching parameter
      • Supported Values: Contains, Not Contains, Equals, Not Equals, Starts with, Ends with, Regex. Example: resourceType: Incident, key: Subject, operator: Contains, value: Windows.
    • Value of the entity.
useBaseNotifierBooleanNotification details to trigger events defined. To configure integration base notifier:
  • Provide useBaseNotifier: true to assign the notifier details to the event.
  • Provide useBaseNotifier: false to assign different notifier details
    • Supported Values: true, false.
  1. type
  2. baseURI
  3. authType
  4. grantType
  5. userName
  6. password
  7. apiKey
  8. apiSecret
  9. accessTokenURL
String(Mandatory if useBaseNotifier is false) Define notification details to trigger events:
  1. Notification type. Supported values include:
    • REST_API
    • SOAP_API
  2. Authentication type. Supported values include:
    • BASIC
    • OAUTH2
    • NONE
  3. Grant type. Mandatory if authType is OAUTH2. Supported values include:
  4. Username. Mandatory if authType is BASIC or OAUTH2 and grantType is PASSWORD or REFRESH_TOKEN.
  5. Password. Mandatory if authType is BASIC or OAUTH2 and grantType is PASSWORD or REFRESH_TOKEN.
  6. Key configured in third-party integration. Mandatory if authType is OAUTH2.
  7. Secret configured in third-party integration. Mandatory if authType is OAUTH2.
  8. Access token URL. Mandatory if authType is OAUTH2.
thirdPartyEventTypeStringType of action performed on the entity.Supported Values: POST, PUT, GET, DELETE, and PATCH
  1. key
  2. value
  1. Header name
  2. Header value
payloadFileThird-party integration event payload. Provide the third-party payload with OpsRamp placeholders to integrate the event between OpsRamp and third-party:
  • To get OpsRamp tokens, use refer to the Get Integration Event Placeholders API.
  • Convert the payload to base 64 and provide the file in the field file in the below sample request.
  1. key
  2. value
StringResponse headers:
  1. Response header name
  2. Response header value

Sample request

	"name" : "Create event with policy and dep updated",
	"entity" : "INCIDENT",
	"eventType" : "CREATE",
	"filterCriteria" : {
		"id" : 141,
		"matchType" : "ANY",
		"rules" : [
				"id" : 581,
				"key" : "Subject",
				"operator" : "Contains",
				"value" : "test",
				"resourceType" : "INCIDENT"
				"id" : 582,
				"key" : "Description",
				"operator" : "Contains",
				"value" : "testing",
				"resourceType" : "INCIDENT"
	"notifier" : {
		"type" : "SOAP_API",
		"baseURI" : "www.google.com",
		"authType" : "BASIC",
		"userName" : "testUser",
		"password" : "test"
	"headers" : [
			"key" : "accept",
			"value" : "application/json"
			"key" : "Content-Type",
			"value" : "application/json"
	"thirdPartyEventType" : "POST",
	"payload" : "ew0KInN1YmplY3QiOiIkaW5jaWRlbnQuc3ViamVjdCIsDQoiZGVzY3JpcHRpb24iOiIkaW5jaWRlbnQuaW1wYWN0IiwNCiJwcmlvcml0eSI6IiRpbmNpZGVudC5wcmlvcml0eS5uYW1lIg0KInN0YXV0cyI6ImhpZ2giDQp9"

Sample response

	"id" : "INTG-EVENT-c6d30f9c-2728-4760-ad97-8f3b6f2b6391",
	"name" : "Create event with policy and dep updated",
	"entity" : "INCIDENT",
	"filterCriteria" : {
		"id" : 141,
		"name" : "Create event with policy and dep",
		"matchType" : "ANY",
		"rules" : [
				"id" : 581,
				"key" : "Subject",
				"operator" : "Contains",
				"value" : "test",
				"resourceType" : "INCIDENT"
				"id" : 582,
				"key" : "Description",
				"operator" : "Contains",
				"value" : "testing",
				"resourceType" : "INCIDENT"
		"actions" : []
	"notifier" : {
		"baseURI" : "www.google.com",
		"authType" : "BASIC",
		"userName" : "testUser"
	"headers" : [
			"key" : "accept",
			"value" : "application/json"
			"key" : "Content-Type",
			"value" : "application/json"
	"eventPayload" : "{\r\n"subject":"$incident.subject",\r\n"description":"$incident.impact",\r\n"priority":"$incident.priority.name"\r\n"stauts":"high"\r\n}"