Create one-time schedule
This endpoint is used to create a one-time schedule for the device, device group, and site.
POST https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/scheduleMaintenances
Sample URLs
Field | Data Type | Description |
name | String | Name of schedule maintenance. |
description | String | Description of maintenance window. |
devices/deviceGroups/locations | String | Details of resources which should be added to schedule maintenance window. No more than 100 resources can be added to a schedule maintenance window. |
schedule- type
- startTime
- endTime
- timezone
| String | Type of schedule:- One-Time only.
- Time when the schedule should start.
- Time when the schedule should end.
- Timezone used for the schedule. (The list of timezones are shown below.)
Example: "timezone": "America/New_York"
runRBA | Boolean | (Optional) Set runRBA=true to run RBA scripts; otherwise, set to false. |
installPatch | Boolean | (Optional) Set installPatch=true to install patch. |
runEscalationAction | Boolean | (Optional) Provide runEscalationAction: true to escalate maintenance alerts after schedule maintenance is completed. If no value is provided, the default value is true. |
alertConditions- matchingType
- rules
- key
- operator
- value
| String | (Optional) For specific alerts to be triggered as maintenance alerts, configure the below alert conditions. Alerts that do match with the below conditions are triggered as monitoring alerts:- Alert conditions should match ALL or ANY of the rules.
- Conditions for filter alerts:
- Unique attribute of alert.
- Logical operators to filter alertsSupported values: Equals, NotEquals, Equals, NotEquals, Startswith, Endswith, Regex. See Regular Expressions to filter alerts with operator Regex.
- Unique data of alert.
Example: Cloud Controller Discovery
Timezones |
Pacific/Asia | Pacific/Honolulu | America/Anchorage |
America/Los_Angeles | America/Denver | America/Chicago |
America/New_York | America/Puerto_Rico | America/St_Johns |
America/Buenos_Aires | Atlantic/Azores | Europe/London |
Europe/Paris | Europe/Istanbul | Africa/Addis_Ababa |
Asia/Tehran | Asia/Yerevan | Asia/Karachi |
Asia/Calcutta | Asia/Dacca | Asia/Saigon |
Asia/Shanghai | Asia/Tokyo | Australia/Darwin |
Australia/Sydney | Pacific/Guadalcanal | Pacific/Auckland |
Sample request
"name": "Onetimeschedule",
"description": "Onetimeschedule",
"runRBA": "false",
"installPatch": "false",
"devices": [{
"hostName": "device-1"
"uniqueId": "90491678-096c-4223-9867-f31c37ff09da"
"deviceGroups": [{
"name": "DG-1"
"id": "11"
"locations": [{
"name": "LOC-1"
"id": "12"
"schedule": {
"type": "One-Time",
"startTime": "2015-05-28T10:55:27+0000",
"endTime": "2016-05-29T18:55:27+0000",
"timezone": "America/New_York"
Sample response
"uniqueId": "SM-c11b6b44-c85a-426c-9963-0e977070ce98"