POST https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/alert

URL example



Parameters are required unless specified otherwise.

FieldData TypeDescription
subjectStringSummary content of the generated alert. Content includes metrics that lead to the alert.
alertTimeString(Optional) Time when the alert was triggered.
currentStateStringCurrent state of alert. For example: OK, warning, critical, or info.
serviceNameStringService name.
appStringAlert management applications. Use the Get Alert Technologies API to view supported alert management technologies.
componentString(Optional) Device component.
alertTypeString(Optional) Alert types. Use Get Alert Types API to fetch the list of alert types.
Supported alert types are: monitoring, maintenance, appliance, agent, obsolete, scheduled maintenance.
resourceNameString(Optional) Resource name.
descriptionString(Optional) Brief description of the entities that led to the alert generation.
Note: You can find the origin of the alert and identify crossed types of threshold of the applied metrics. Primarily, details may include metric, monitor description, device type, template name, group, site, service level, and component./td>
monitorNameString(Optional) Monitor name.
ackUrlString(Optional) Acknowledge URL.
rtypeString(Optional) Resource type.
extAlertIdString(Optional) External alert ID.
availabilityBoolean(Optional) Values: True/False. If set to true, creates availability alerts.
deviceObjectCreate alerts on a device. At least one field is required in order to identify the device:
  • resourceUUID
  • hostName
  • macAddress
  • ipAddress
  • providerUUID
  • systemUUID
resourceObjectCreate alerts on a resource. At least one field is required in order to identify the device:
  • id: The resource unique ID. Use the Search Resources API to retrieve a list of resources.
  • extResourceId: External ID of resource.
  • resourceName
  • ipAddress: Resource IP address.
  • hostName: The host name.
  • aliasName
  • resourceType
  • deviceGroups
  • serviceGroups
  • location
  • tags

Status code

200 OK

Sample request 1

	"serviceName" : "CPU",
	"device" : {
		"hostName" : "Think-pad",
		"resourceUUID" : "DEV0000011767",
		"providerUUID" : "11767",
		"systemUUID" : "11767",
		"macAddress" : "2E:8B:EB:32:7A:F9",
		"ipAddress" : ""
	"subject" : "Test API Alert for car",
	"alertTime" : "2017-10-01T00:00:00+0000",
	"currentState" : "CRITICAL",
	"app" : "OPSRAMP",
	"alertType" : "Maintenance",
	"component" : "C",
	"description" : "api calls",
	"monitorName" : "test"

Sample response 1

	[ "c1461bc2-eed5-4559-9d78-6ca6f35be8c5" ]

Sample request 2

	"subject":"The Physical Memory Usage on the device is 56%.The Virtual Memory Usage on the device is 43%.",
	"alertTime":"2018-11-02 10:52:55",
	"description":"Api calls "

Sample response 2

[ "3885d3fc-4e92-4a9d-871a-a5940cf7079b" ]

Sample request 3

		"extResourceId": "646438712529389643",
	"subject":"The Physical Memory Usage on the device is 56%.The Virtual Memory Usage on the device is 43%.",
	"alertTime":"2018-11-02 10:52:55",
	"description":"Api calls ",

Sample response 3

[ "fa3245ca-6740-4f7a-bf06-02414c51595e" ]

Sample request 4

To create a resource and its attributes with an alert:

	"serviceName": "CPU",  
	"resource": {  
		"hostName": "Think-pad",  
		"resourceType": "server",  
		"tags": [
		    { "environment": "QA" },
		    { "department": "R&D" }],  
		"deviceGroups": [ 
			{ "name": "dg1" }, 
			{ "name": "dg2" }],  
		"serviceGroups": [
		    { "name": "sg1" }, 
		    { "name": "sg2",
		      "parent": { "id": "SGP-a794d1de-e361-45ef-9d6e-4a450491bf35" }
		    { "name": "San Jose" }  
	"subject": "Performance Degradation on Windows Servers",  
	"alertTime": "2019-07-12T00:00:00+0000",  
	"currentState": "CRITICAL"  

Sample response 4

[ "62b5d1c7-5e17-4027-9d9e-a8d566590468" ]