GET https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/escalations/{id}

Sample URLs



scopeUsers, User Groups, and Rosters to receive the escalations.
rostersRoster is a list of users part of the schedule doing particular duty.
Escalation rules are actions taken when an alert is not acknowledged within the desired time.OpsRamp supports manual and automatic escalation types.
Escalation action to take
  • Escalate as Notification implies to send periodic notifications to users until the alert is acknowledged.
  • Escalate as Incident implies to automatically create an incident from the alert and assign to the desired user/team.
escalationsInformation about the escalation actions.
waitMinsThe time interval to escalate an alert after generation. Escalate after the alert has elapsed the set time.
repeatFrequencyThe time interval when a user receives repeated notifications.
This example indicates that a user receives repeated notifications every 15 minutes: repeatFrequency: 15.
notifyLimitCountA threshold limit on the number of notifications a user receives.
Example: notifyLimitCount: 5
alertStateTransitionFromFor every change in the alert state, user receives notifications.
  • For escalationType: MANUAL- Users to contact directly. User ID (or) name.
  • For escalationType: AUTOMATIC- Recipients who receives notifications.
allClientsThis string helps to differentiate between partner and client escalation policies. allClients: true indicates the policy is a partner level policy.
  • learnedFieldsToOutputColumnsMap"Assignee Group": "incident.assigneeGroup","Priority": "incident.priority"
This string indicates that machine-learning is enabled to automatically escalate an incident to appropriate teams.
  • Machine-learning enabled incident attributes:
    Example: Assignee Group, Priority
    • "Assignee Group" is the Incident attribute and "incident.assigneeGroup" is the respective output column in a CSV file.

Sample responses

	"id": "POLICY-9d6bbe58-2bf6-41cc-9983-fca53b64c9e7",
	"name": "Cloud Instance Alerts Policy",
	"description": "",
	"policyType": "ESCALATION_POLICY",
	"clientMatchingType": "ALL",
	"createdDate": "2017-05-15T12:13:31+0000",
	"updatedDate": "2017-05-15T12:13:31+0000",
	"active": true,
	"scope": {
		"uniqueId": "msp_5",
		"name": "Luminalto",
		"activated": true
	"createdBy": {
		"loginName": "John.Smith",
		"lastName": "Smith",
		"firstName": "John",
		"email": "john.smith@myorganization.com"
	"updatedBy": {
		"loginName": "John.Smith",
		"lastName": "Smith",
		"firstName": "John",
		"email": "john.smith@myorganization.com"
	"allClients": true,
	"resources": [{
			"id": "7447fef1-68ee-4c2a-a366-273abc819dbc",
			"name": "ESC00002",
			"type": "RESOURCE",
                        "resourceType": "RESOURCE",
                        "aliasName": "",
                        "resourceName": "",
                        "hostName": "Device11
                       "id": "59d820d3-7a64-4329-ba9c-bb9c14a4815c",
                       "name": "Device12",
                       "type": "RESOURCE",
                       "resourceType": "RESOURCE",
                       "aliasName": "",
                       "resourceName": "",
                       "hostName": "Device12"
	"filterCriteria": {
		"matchingType": "ALL",
		"rules": [{
			"key": "Alert  : Description",
			"operator": "CONTAINS",
			"value": "critical"
	"escalationType": "AUTOMATIC",
	"escalations": [{
			"waitMins": 0,
			"priority": "High",
			"repeatFrequency": 10,
			"notifyLimitCount": 2,
			"action": "NOTIFICATION",
			"recipients": [{
					"id": "ES-d16473ee-29de-1cf2-4983-86307733e34c",
					"name": "Support Team",
					"type": "ROSTER"
					"id": "USR0000000019",
					"name": "Jim Bolt",
					"type": "USER"
			"action": "INCIDENT",
			"waitMins": 5,
			"incident": {
				"status": "New",
				"priority": "Low",
				"assignedUser": {
					"loginName": "James.Hudson",
					"lastName": "Hudson",
					"firstName": "James",
					"email": "james.hudson@myorganization.com",
					"phoneNumber": "",
					"mobileNumber": "802-123-4123"
				"customFields": [{
					"id": "UDF0000000002",
					"classCode": "INCIDENT",
					"displayLabel": "Component",
					"name": "test_cutom_2",
					"fieldType": "TYPE_TEXT",
					"mandatory": false,
					"editable": true,
					"description": "",
					"value": "Test1",
					"defaultValue": "Default Component",
					"customField": true
				"businessImpact": {
					"uniqueId": "SIMPACT-e8853b21-ebc5-dd1d-d9a3-7a7b121a5e0f",
					"name": "Impact 3",
					"description": "SP Level Impact"
				"urgency": {
					"uniqueId": "SURG-09358506-4af1-4d35-b902-cd3b14a00c10",
					"name": "Urgency 3",
					"description": "SP Level Urgency"
				"toEmail": "support@myorganization",
				"machineLearning": {
					"continuousLearning": false,
					"learnedFieldsToOutputColumnsMap": {
						"Assignee Group": "incident.assigneeGroup",
						"Priority": "incident.priority"
			"updateIncident": {
				"none": true,
				"priorityRules": [{
					"key": "currentState.code",
					"operator": "Is",
					"value": "Warning",
					"businessImpact": {
						"uniqueId": "SIMPACT-d8853b21-ebc5-dd1d-d9a3-7a7b121ae0e",
						"name": "Test Ops impact",
						"description": ""
					"urgency": {
						"uniqueId": "SURG-59358506-4bf1-4d35-c902-de3b14a00c10",
						"name": "Test Ops urgency",
						"description": ""
					"priority": "High"
			"notifyIncident": "forEveryUpdate"