GET https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/alerts/{alertId}/escalations

Sample URLs



scopeUsers, User Groups, Rosters to receive the escalations.
rostersRoster is a list of users part of the schedule. Rosters define list of users or user groups assigned to specific time slots.
Escalation rules are actions taken when an alert is not acknowledged within the desired time. OpsRamp supports manual and automatic escalation types.
Take Escalation action
  • Escalate as Notification implies sending periodic notifications to users until the alert is acknowledged.
  • Escalate as Incident implies creating incident automatically from the alert and assigning to the desired user/team.
escalationsInformation about the escalation actions.
waitMinsThe time interval before escalating an alert after generation. Escalate after the alert has elapsed the set duration in minutes.
repeatFrequencyRepeat alert notification after specific time intervals.
If repeatFrequency, for example, is 15 minutes, then the alert notification would repeat for every 15 minutes until the alert is acknowledged.
  • For escalationType: MANUAL- Users to contact directly. User ID (or) name.
  • For escalationType: AUTOMATIC- Recipients to receive notifications.

Sample responses

A manual alert escalation policy sample response:

	"id": "POLICY-9d6bbe58-2bf6-41cc-9983-fca53b64c9e7",
	"name": "Network Issues",
	"description": "",
	"policyType": "ESCALATION_POLICY",
	"clientMatchingType": "ALL",
	"createdDate": "2017-05-15T12:13:31+0000",
	"updatedDate": "2017-05-15T12:13:31+0000",
	"active": true,
	"scope": {
		"id": 5,
		"uniqueId": "msp_5",
		"name": "Luminalto Partner",
		"activated": true
	"createdBy": {
		"loginName": "John_Smith",
		"lastName": "Smith",
		"firstName": "John",
		"email": "john.smith@organization.com",
		"phoneNumber": "",
		"mobileNumber": "802-456-1234"
	"updatedBy": {
		"loginName": "John_Smith",
		"lastName": "Smith",
		"firstName": "John",
		"email": "john.smith@organization.com",
		"phoneNumber": "",
		"mobileNumber": "802-456-1234"
	"allClients": true,
	"resources": [{
			"id": "7447fef1-68ee-4c2a-a366-273abc819dbc",
			"name": "ESC00002",
			"type": "RESOURCE"
			"id": "7_AWS",
			"name": "AWS",
			"type": "LOCATION"
			"id": "DGP-0b165e70-7152-49f1-bfe3-ebe77409d5f2",
			"name": "Test Group",
			"type": "DEVICEGROUP"
			"id": "SGP-11f1a6a8-acc8-411f-86c1-b693dd8e9817",
			"name": "Test SG",
			"type": "SERVICEGROUP"
			"id": "client_6",
			"name": "ADC Client",
			"type": "CLIENT"
	"filterCriteria": {
		"matchingType": "ALL",
		"rules": [{
			"key": "Alert  : Description",
			"operator": "CONTAINS",
			"value": "critical"
	"escalationType": "AUTOMATIC",
	"escalations": [{
			"waitMins": 0,
			"priority": "VeryLow",
			"repeatFrequency": 10,
			"action": "NOTIFICATION",
			"recipients": [{
					"id": "ES-d16473ee-29de-1cf2-4983-86307733e34c",
					"name": "Support team",
					"type": "ROSTER"
					"id": "USR0000000019",
					"name": "Jim Bolt",
					"type": "USER"
			"waitMins": 5,
			"updateIncident": {
				"none": true,
				"priorityRules": [{
					"key": "currentState.code",
					"operator": "Is",
					"value": "Warning",
					"businessImpact": {
						"uniqueId": "SIMPACT-e8853b21-ebc5-dd1d-d9a3-7a7b121a5e0f",
						"name": "Level 1 Impact",
						"description": ""
					"urgency": {
						"uniqueId": "SURG-09358506-4af1-4d35-b902-cd3b14a00c10",
						"name": "Critical Issue",
						"description": ""
					"priority": "High"
			"incident": {
				"status": "New",
				"priority": "Low",
				"assignedUser": {
					"loginName": "John_Smith",
					"lastName": "Smith",
					"firstName": "John",
					"email": "john.smith@organization.com",
					"phoneNumber": "",
					"mobileNumber": "802-123-4123"
				"customFields": [{
					"id": "UDF0000000002",
					"classCode": "INCIDENT",
					"displayLabel": "Component",
					"name": "text_api_lab_3791",
					"fieldType": "TYPE_TEXT",
					"mandatory": false,
					"editable": true,
					"description": "",
					"value": "Value_1",
					"defaultValue": "Default Component",
					"customField": true
				"toEmail": "support.admin@organization.com"
			"action": "INCIDENT",
			"notifyIncident": "forEveryUpdate"

A machine learning-based alert escalation policy sample response:

	"id": "POLICY-14d82994-a67e-463b-955a-37ff2eee7368",
	"name": "ML_policy",
	"description": "",
	"policyType": "ESCALATION_POLICY",
	"createdDate": "2018-12-18T12:04:36+0000",
	"updatedDate": "2018-12-18T12:04:36+0000",
	"active": true,
	"scope": {
		"id": 9,
		"uniqueId": "client_9",
		"name": "Brocade Corp.",
		"activated": true
	"escalationType": "AUTOMATIC",
	"escalations": [{
		"action": "INCIDENT",
		"waitMins": 0,
		"incident": {
			"status": "New",
			"priority": "High",
			"estimatedHours": 0,
			"timeSpent": 0,
			"estimatedMinutes": 0,
			"machineLearning": {
				"continuousLearning": false,
				"trainingFileId": "ml_alert_escalation_training",
				"learnedFieldsToOutputColumnsMap": {
					"Assignee Group": "incident.assigneeGroup",
					"Priority": "incident.priority"
		"updateIncident": {
			"none": true
		"notifyIncident": "forEveryUpdate"