GET https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/alerts/{alertId}/escalations
Sample URLs
Field | Description |
scope | Users, User Groups, Rosters to receive the escalations. |
rosters | Roster is a list of users part of the schedule. Rosters define list of users or user groups assigned to specific time slots. |
| Escalation rules are actions taken when an alert is not acknowledged within the desired time. OpsRamp supports manual and automatic escalation types. |
| Take Escalation action
escalations | Information about the escalation actions. |
waitMins | The time interval before escalating an alert after generation. Escalate after the alert has elapsed the set duration in minutes. |
repeatFrequency | Repeat alert notification after specific time intervals. If repeatFrequency, for example, is 15 minutes, then the alert notification would repeat for every 15 minutes until the alert is acknowledged. |
recipients |
Sample responses
A manual alert escalation policy sample response:
"id": "POLICY-9d6bbe58-2bf6-41cc-9983-fca53b64c9e7",
"name": "Network Issues",
"description": "",
"policyType": "ESCALATION_POLICY",
"clientMatchingType": "ALL",
"createdDate": "2017-05-15T12:13:31+0000",
"updatedDate": "2017-05-15T12:13:31+0000",
"active": true,
"scope": {
"id": 5,
"uniqueId": "msp_5",
"name": "Luminalto Partner",
"activated": true
"createdBy": {
"loginName": "John_Smith",
"lastName": "Smith",
"firstName": "John",
"email": "john.smith@organization.com",
"phoneNumber": "",
"mobileNumber": "802-456-1234"
"updatedBy": {
"loginName": "John_Smith",
"lastName": "Smith",
"firstName": "John",
"email": "john.smith@organization.com",
"phoneNumber": "",
"mobileNumber": "802-456-1234"
"allClients": true,
"resources": [{
"id": "7447fef1-68ee-4c2a-a366-273abc819dbc",
"name": "ESC00002",
"type": "RESOURCE"
"id": "7_AWS",
"name": "AWS",
"type": "LOCATION"
"id": "DGP-0b165e70-7152-49f1-bfe3-ebe77409d5f2",
"name": "Test Group",
"id": "SGP-11f1a6a8-acc8-411f-86c1-b693dd8e9817",
"name": "Test SG",
"id": "client_6",
"name": "ADC Client",
"type": "CLIENT"
"filterCriteria": {
"matchingType": "ALL",
"rules": [{
"key": "Alert : Description",
"operator": "CONTAINS",
"value": "critical"
"escalationType": "AUTOMATIC",
"escalations": [{
"waitMins": 0,
"priority": "VeryLow",
"repeatFrequency": 10,
"action": "NOTIFICATION",
"recipients": [{
"id": "ES-d16473ee-29de-1cf2-4983-86307733e34c",
"name": "Support team",
"type": "ROSTER"
"id": "USR0000000019",
"name": "Jim Bolt",
"type": "USER"
"waitMins": 5,
"updateIncident": {
"none": true,
"priorityRules": [{
"key": "currentState.code",
"operator": "Is",
"value": "Warning",
"businessImpact": {
"uniqueId": "SIMPACT-e8853b21-ebc5-dd1d-d9a3-7a7b121a5e0f",
"name": "Level 1 Impact",
"description": ""
"urgency": {
"uniqueId": "SURG-09358506-4af1-4d35-b902-cd3b14a00c10",
"name": "Critical Issue",
"description": ""
"priority": "High"
"incident": {
"status": "New",
"priority": "Low",
"assignedUser": {
"loginName": "John_Smith",
"lastName": "Smith",
"firstName": "John",
"email": "john.smith@organization.com",
"phoneNumber": "",
"mobileNumber": "802-123-4123"
"customFields": [{
"id": "UDF0000000002",
"classCode": "INCIDENT",
"displayLabel": "Component",
"name": "text_api_lab_3791",
"fieldType": "TYPE_TEXT",
"mandatory": false,
"editable": true,
"description": "",
"value": "Value_1",
"defaultValue": "Default Component",
"customField": true
"toEmail": "support.admin@organization.com"
"action": "INCIDENT",
"notifyIncident": "forEveryUpdate"
A machine learning-based alert escalation policy sample response:
"id": "POLICY-14d82994-a67e-463b-955a-37ff2eee7368",
"name": "ML_policy",
"description": "",
"policyType": "ESCALATION_POLICY",
"createdDate": "2018-12-18T12:04:36+0000",
"updatedDate": "2018-12-18T12:04:36+0000",
"active": true,
"scope": {
"id": 9,
"uniqueId": "client_9",
"name": "Brocade Corp.",
"activated": true
"escalationType": "AUTOMATIC",
"escalations": [{
"action": "INCIDENT",
"waitMins": 0,
"incident": {
"status": "New",
"priority": "High",
"estimatedHours": 0,
"timeSpent": 0,
"estimatedMinutes": 0,
"machineLearning": {
"continuousLearning": false,
"trainingFileId": "ml_alert_escalation_training",
"learnedFieldsToOutputColumnsMap": {
"Assignee Group": "incident.assigneeGroup",
"Priority": "incident.priority"
"updateIncident": {
"none": true
"notifyIncident": "forEveryUpdate"