GET https://{api-url}/api/v2/tenants/{tenantId}/agents/{platform}/info?distName={distName}&architecture={arch}
Sample URLs
For 64-bit Ubuntu resources:
For 64-bit Red Hat resources:
This is usually followed by an API call to Download Linux Agent.
Header format
Header | Value |
Authorization | Token {accessToken} |
Content-type | application/json |
Accept | application/json |
Field | Values | Description |
platform | LINUX | Operating system on which you want to deploy the agent. |
distName | ubuntu, redhat, amazon, fedora, sles | Distribution name of the operating system on which you want to deploy the agent. |
arch | For Ubuntu distributions, use amd64 (64-bit) or i686 (32-bit) For all other distributions, use x86_64 (64-bit) or i386 (32-bit) | 64-bit and 32-bit operating system architectures. |
Status code
200 OK
Sample response
Returns the JSON payload containing package name, package size, package checksum. The response also contains package S3 bucket URL for downloading the agent directly.
"name": "<package-name>",
"downloadUrl": "<direct-s3-download-url>",
"version": "<agent-version>",
"size": <size-in-bytes>,
"checksum": "<checksum>",
"generation": "G2"